Trend Report: What do shop partners charge per design?

Mar 04, 2011 – Inspired by guest contributions on the blog, we had a closer look at our partner’s cash situation. It came as no surprise to find out that those who want to make a few extra bob should heed to the advise of more experienced shop partners.

Judging from the aggregate amount of commissions earned last year in Germany, partners who have been running their shop for more than a year make three times the money compared to novices. In Germany, the top 100 shop owners generate an average annual turnover of €7.000 (£6.000). And conditions in North America have improved even more – shop owners there have doubled their average income in the last year alone and generate about $9.000 annually.

What do the old hands do better? Obviously it is down to their market experience and their history with trying out different things in the first place. They also use all available communication channels and enjoy good publicity thanks to e.g. SEO. Next to creative ideas, these factors are part and parcel of successful shop business.

What is a reasonable commission per t-shirt is a question that is not easy to answer. It is entirely up to you what to charge, and an average €4.41 (£3.85) per product could serve as a good index for your calculations.

Shop owners in France overestimated the potential of their commissions in the beginning and have since lowered their fees year by year. In other countries, the development has a reverse tendency. In North America, the turnaround of the economy has left its mark on commissions for Spreadshirt shops as well. In 2009, Americans would charge the lowest of all commissions (an average €2.80) but have so far scored the highest average of all Spreadshirt counties in 2011.  In Spreadshirt’s Vaterland, shop commissions display a similar tendency.

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