
The Gift Before the Party: Spreadshop Updates

The Gift Before the Party: Spreadshop Updates

Picking up on your feedback, we’ve made yet another series of improvements to your Spreadshop. Customers will now be able to better view your offerings, thus improving your chances of making a sale. 

A clear and neatly-arranged start page helps your customers make quicker check-out decisions – our user tests prove this time and again. The December Spreadshop update will focus your start page so it better appeals to your target group. In other news, we’ve made improvements to topic selection and loading times. Exciting times!

A more flexible start page

In the “About the Shop” section (Edit Shop Settings > Page Settings > Start Page), you can now embed video clips from YouTube, Vimeo or Twitch. Just insert the video link.In the logo area of the header, upload vector graphics in .svg. This format looks better than pixel graphics, especially on high-resolution smartphones and retina displays.

Also, use drag & drop to adjust all elements of the start page in the admin area of your Shop. Last but not least, we were able to speed up your Shop’s loading times by a fair degree.

Topics have been extended

In the topic selections, three images per topic are now displayed. This will help customers quickly familiarize themselves with your designs and products. You can also add a description with a maximum of 200 characters that can be added to each design of a particular topic. Please note that these descriptions will not be translated if your customers change the Shop language.

Topics are only available to Shop Owners who use the Partner Area.

What do you think of the new features? Are there any other features you would like for your Spreadshop? Tell us in the comments!

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