This code of conduct is designed to create humane conditions at work worldwide. Contractual partners of AG, known as Spreadshirt, obligate to sign this code of conduct and adhere to it if they cannot present a similar document.
This Code of Conduct applies to AG’s contractual partners as well as their subsidiaries.
The contractual partners must follow their relative applicable national and international laws, particularly the labour and social laws. In addition, this Code of Conduct, which states the fundamental labour and social standards, is based on the ILO Conventions, the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Conventions on the Rights of the Child and on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, as well as the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
The Code of Conduct describes only the ensured minimum standards for the protection of employees. If the provisions of national and international legislation and / or industry standards and this Code of Conduct contain rules on the same subject, then the strictest regulations shall apply.
The contractual partners must make the Code of Conduct freely accessible to all employees in their language and in the relevant work areas.
Contractual partners who operate with third parties (producers, subcontractors etc.) are required to make the Code of Conduct a central idea of this concrete business relationship.
The contractual partner must designate a specific contact person to handle questions of implementation and observance of this Code of Conduct.
The business partners agree and understand that the adherence to the minimum requirements and standards of this Code of Conduct can be monitored at any time, either by employees of Spreadshirt or by independent organisations.
A work week includes a maximum of 48 hours as well as a maximum of 12 overtime hours. Every employee is entitled to at least one day off from work per week. Overtime will be paid corresponding to the legal regulations or the industry's regional practices, whichever of those has a higher standard.
ILO-Conventions 1 and 14 apply.
Employees must be at least 15 years of age and cannot be less than the age of completion of compulsory schooling. Child labour and the supply of services by children is prohibited. The definition of child labour is determined by the United Nations regulations or the nation's specific applicable regulations, whichever of those is more stringent.
ILO-Conventions 79, 138, 142 and 182 as well as ILO-Recommendation 146 apply.
Employment must be freely chosen and must be established on the basis of employment forms which follow the national laws and procedures. Forced labour, bonded labour or slave labour is not tolerated by Spreadshirt.
Employees’ identity papers may not be retained. The employees may not be prevented from leaving the place of work.
ILO-Conventions 29 and 105 apply.
Prison labour is forbidden.
Every employee is to be treated fairly and according to the principle of equality. This means that no employee may be discriminated against or preferred according to differences in race, religion, age, social backgrounds, political attitude, gender, sexual orientation or position in the company.
ILO-Conventions 100, 111, 143, 158 and 159 apply.
Human dignity is inviolable and therefore to be implicitly respected in the workplace. Forced labour, harassment, physical or mental coercion and degrading methods of discipline or punishment are prohibited.
Employees must receive a written contract for the documentation of their terms of employment. This documentation must indicate at a minimum: Name of the employee, date of birth, place of birth, home address, function, starting date of contract, agreed hours of work, salary and further compensation, probation period (if applicable), holiday entitlements, regulations for the termination of the working relationship (both by employer and employee), date and signature or thumb print of the employee as well as the employer.
In cases of illiteracy, the terms of the contract must be additionally communicated verbally. This is to be documented in writing.
The wages must meet the basic needs of the employee and must never fall below the legally prescribed minimum wage for that country. The employees must receive all benefits mandated by national law, e.g. insurance contributions, premium payments for overtime and paid holidays. Illegal and unauthorized deductions as well as disciplinary deductions are forbidden.
The wages should be provided in accordance with the local common practice.
ILO-Conventions 26 and 131 apply.
The safety of the employee in the workplace is to be guaranteed. It is the employer's responsibility to ensure this to its full extent. All of the respective nation's current industrial safety regulations are to be complied with, as well as the relevant legal regulations with regard to the exposure to harmful substances. Thus, use of dangerous chemicals, which leave residue and could be harmful to one's health, are prohibited. Similar regulations apply to working conditions with regard to noise levels, fire, sanitation, ventilation, etc. and for the employees' accommodation, if such are provided. Access to First Aid and emergency/evacuation plans must be present. Furthermore, all regulations are to be ensured for the protection the environment.
The employees may not be prevented from participation in the freedom of association. They have the right to join trade unions or other labour organizations as well as the right to collective bargaining in accordance with local laws.
ILO-Conventions 87, 98, 135 and 154 as well as the ILO-Recommendation 143 apply.
The AG requires that the above provisions are followed by all contractors, employees, subcontractors and other third parties.
The resulting requirements of this Code of Conduct may not be circumvented through the use of contract work, pseudo training programs or similar measures. Under pseudo training programmes are especially those which do not have the objective of propagating employees’ knowledge or skills.
The AG reserves the right to withdraw from the business relationship in the case of any violation of the above. The aim of cooperation would be to clarify problems and, in the possible case of violation, to improve the situation together.
Size info: | Female size equivalent: |
XS | 6-8 |
S | 10 |
M | 12 |
L | 14 |
XL | 16 |
XXL | 18 |
3XL | 20 |
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