Good news! You can now get a much better look at your sales and statistics with a new and improved stats page in the Partner Area. Some very clever features and functions have been added, making it easier than ever to get an in-depth view into your sales, earnings, and more. Read on to see what’s new!
If you manage your SpreadShop and/or Marketplace designs and products through the new Partner Area (registration after 20 October 2016), you’ll find a new and improved statistics page. The addition of a better interface and a handful of handy features gives you the ability to manage your business like never before.
What’s New?
Your new statistics page is broken down between Credit Overview (earnings credited to your account approximately 14-days after order payment has been received) and Sales Overview (designs and products you have sold).
The new Credit Overview page gives you the ability to:
- See how your earnings are broken down between Design Price, Affiliate Commission and Volume Commission
- See the next payout date
- Please note: amounts displayed are not inclusive of withholding tax (actual paid amount may differ from the amount displayed)

The new Sales Overview page gives you the ability to:
- Check order status
- See the order ID, date of sale, and from which point of sale the purchase was made
- See the number of items per order
- See a picture of the ordered item and design
- See the country the purchase is delivered to
- See what the customer paid (retail price)
- See your gross earnings from each sale

This new interface and simpler overview will help you keep track of your sales in a much more insightful way. Not only can you see where your sales are coming from, but where your orders are going, how your credit is broken down, and much more.
More to Come
As more information and input is gathered, we will continue to update the new statistics page with helpful information. The new page is available now in the new Partner Area and is soon to come in the old one (for those who registered before 20 October 2016).
Should you find any bugs or things that don’t work, kindly let us know so we can fix them!
Like what you see? Can you think of anything you’d like us to add to further assist you? Please let us know in the comments so we can put them on our list!
What is the small symbol of the moutain on the left of my design? And I can’t click and see the design.
What do you mean with “mountain”? You should be able to click every product and every design.
I can’t see the size of the shirt and the zipp code anymore. So I can’t see from which adres the order is?
You can see from which country the address is from. We might add the zip code at a later point in time. We’ll keep you updated.