The summer is winding down, but that doesn’t mean selling is! Rather, there are notable design occasions that are rapidly approaching. Familiarise yourself with these dates, come up with applicable designs, and watch as the sales roll in!
Seasonal Occasions
There are a number of holidays and occasions coming up over the next few months, providing you with an opportunity to sell. These dates include:
Occasion | Date | Keyword |
First Day of School | August | enrollment |
International Cat Day | 08.08 | CatDay |
International Dog Day | 26.08 | DogDay |
Oktoberfest | 22.09.2018 – 07.10.2018 | Oktoberfest |
First Day of Fall | 23.09.2018 | Fall2018 |
World Teachers Day | 05.10. | TeachersDay |
Some important notes to remember for some of these occasions:
First day of school
- Ranges anywhere from August to September
- Gift options include water bottles, drawstring bags, and posters
All-Year Occasions
Of course, while the design occasions are certainly important, there are still several events that you can capitalise on year-round. These include
- Product ideas: Mugs, pillow cases, posters
- Product ideas: mugs, matching shirts
- Product ideas: Matching shirts, mugs
- Product ideas: Teddy bears, baby bodysuits, baby cap
Baby Shower
- Product ideas: Baby shirts, baby bodysuits, bibs, teddy bears, baby cap
With a list of holidays, events, and occasions coming up between now and October, there are plenty of opportunities for you to make some dough!
Have any other suggestions for design occasions? Let us know in the comments!