
Thank you for a great year 2019!

Thank you for a great year 2019!

A big THANK YOU to ALL the designers and illustrators! You made our Marketplace a colorful and inspiring place in 2019.

Thank you for your exciting design contributions

From “Patterns” to “Green Planet” – you accepted the challenge and turned 11 design competitions and turned them into a series of creative fireworks. We were able to award a total 33 outstanding works of creative art. The contributions we received in 2019 make us look forward to seeing your creative crops in the New Year. And if it didn’t work out with the winner’s podium last year, 2020 may just be your year. 

Thank you for your inspiring insights

A different Marketplace designer talks about their life and career every month. Don’t miss the interviews to get valuable insights into the creative process of other designers! This year, 10 designers gave us personal insights and inspired the community with their creative approaches. Thank you for letting us pester you with our questions!

Thank you for your commitment on the forum

Last but not least, we would like to thank all dedicated designers on our forum! With your questions, suggestions and criticism you helped us improve Spreadshirt all year long. Simsalapimp and Lovetee deserve a special mention for their great commitment and active support. A big THANK YOU to all forum users!

Have a very happy and creative New Year 2020! We are very glad that you’re part of it!

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