Now that things have settled down a bit, we’ve been able to begin increasing our design upload limit, this applies to your Marketplace Showroom and/or your Spreadshop.
You might recall that we’ve had ongoing changes due to COVID-19. While some of these temporary policies will remain as-is for the time being, other changes like our design upload limit have begun to improve.
Our design upload limit has temporarily increased. This means, you can now upload 20 designs on a daily basis. As per usual, your designs will be available immediately in the Marketplace. By adding more designs, you have more variety for customers to choose from, and that can result in making more sales.
Thank you for being patient with us as we navigate this new situation, we are very much looking forward to seeing all of the new designs you created while social distancing!
Stay healthy!
I am new to your site and have put up 5 of my designs but they say they are in review. How long can this take?
Hi Sarah,
The Reviewphase can take up to 8 days.
Hello John,
there is a design check for trademark infringements etc. Unfortunately recognizable car brands do not pass the test. Therefore we recommend to keep the shapes a bit more general or you could even try to draw your own. Then it should be no problem to pass our check.
Best regards, Sandra
Hi Folks,
I am interested in classic cars and sketch some of them i own, but some of the designs have been rejected especially the Citroen Ds any particular reason. I am a chauffeur but due to Covid no customers no work, i can draw , sketch, paint so is there any particular sketch, drawings that sells very well within the product range you sell.
John (SkyWelder)