
Improved Statistics and Product Magic

Improved Statistics and Product Magic

Are you looking forward to more detailed statistics and automation when creating products? Check out the latest updates, now available via the desktop application (the SpreadApp is coming soon!)

Statistics: Customized products and multiple print areas

You can now find updated statistics in the desktop application, the SpreadApp will be coming soon. The new “Customized” label and an extended product preview shows how your products have been customized. For example, you will see whether text or additional designs have been added with the Customize Tool.

This also applies to products with multiple print areas. You can now see print areas in your statistics as well. Previously, there was only a preview of the standard view. Now you can check quickly and easily if, for example, the print area on the back of a product was used for another design or text.

The Product Wizard works like magic for multiple products

You probably know that you can use the Product Wizard to quickly and easily add a new product to all of your designs. A recent update has equipped the Product Wizard with even more power. Use it to add up to 5 product types to your designs at once and save time keeping your product portfolio up to date. Find out how it works here.

Automatic optimization of pixel graphics when uploading

For optimized printing, your designs should meet certain requirements. A sufficient resolution or transparent background are necessary. And if transparent backgrounds are too large, the design itself cannot be enlarged when customizing the print area of a product. In this case, you will be notified when uploading the design so you can adjust the file. We’ll crop the image to the visible area of the design, so you’ll lose all unnecessary background. But, of course, you can keep your original file as is – a preview image gives you an option to take it or leave it.

No more non-active (design) members

A non-active member on a team is of no use to anyone, and the same applies to your designs after a product has been deactivated – they become inactive as well. Our newsletter subscription keeps you up to date whenever we deactivate products. Let’s say you’ve placed some of your designs on a few seasonal products and we deactivate these, your designs won’t be for sale anymore. You’ll be alerted to these “designs without products” in the message center of your partner area, so you’ll know which designs are affected. Just click on the message to get directed to these designs and place them on other products.

Which of our partner updates do you find most exciting? Let us know in the comments.

4 comments Write a comment

  1. Hi Spreadshirt team,

    I have a question about the product wizard.

    If I use the product wizard on products on which I already placed manually some of my designs, what will the algorithms do to those already made?

    Will the algorithms ignore the designs already placed and only work on the designs not yet placed on those products?
    Or will them work on all designs and them they will probably move and resize the designs already placed?

    Thank you in advance for your answer.

    Great updates by the way. Thanks and best regards,


    • Hello Angel,

      The product wizard only enables products if they are disabled. If the product is already enabled for a design nothing will change.

      Best regards,

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