
Your Holiday Calendar: January to March 2022

Your Holiday Calendar: January to March 2022

New year, new reasons to celebrate. Here’s your calendar of special occasions to inspire your designs in the first quarter of 2022.

The holidays have passed and all eyes are on 2022. While much may feel unpredictable, some things roll around every year regardless of the circumstances. We could all use an excuse to celebrate, so we’ve compiled the most interesting holidays and special occasions from January to March 2022 to help inspire your next batch of designs.

What could you create based on these special days? Black Lives Matter designs for Martin Luther King Jr. Day (Jan 17th)? Winter sports illustrations for the Winter Olympics* (Feb 4-20th)?  And of course, Valentine’s Day is ready to let Cupid’s arrow loose on February 14th… the perfect occasion to create romantic designs, but also to celebrate love in all its forms. If that’s a bit too cheesy for you, Singles Awareness Day is, appropriately, the very next day. It basically makes up for Valentine’s Day by providing an excuse for the singles among us to give presents to friends instead. Themes like friendship and self-love are sure to be trending.

*Please note that some content is trademarked, and you must respect copyright laws. You can find a sample list of protected trademarks and slogans for the major sporting events here.

What does March have in store? International Women’s Day on March 8th is the perfect excuse to create designs that smash the patriarchy and uplift women. Then comes Saint Patrick’s Day on the 17th—probably the most popular global export from Ireland (aside from Guinness).

Ready to mark your calendar?

Have you found a few inspiring events? Besides the big celebrations, there are lots of lesser-known dates. For example, World Down Syndrome Day on March 21st, the aim of which is to raise public awareness of Down Syndrome worldwide. The 21st wasn’t chosen at random: the triple presence of the 21st chromosome is the characteristic feature of Down Syndrome. With your designs, you can give days like these the attention they deserve.

Need a little more for inspiration? Check out our articles on 2022’s design trends, the best-selling products of 2021 and top search terms from January to March 2021 to find what shoppers are looking for now.

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