
FAQs Just Got Smarter

FAQs Just Got Smarter

Need help fast? No time to comb through our help section? Our new FAQ Instant Help is just what you need. Sound good? It is! Just like the two new terms we’re introducing in your Partner Area.

We’ve recently improved the help function in your Partner Area and made it smarter, so it’s easier for you to find the help you’re looking for. With just one click, you’ll get context-sensitive help for your current situation and see topics related to whatever task you’re working on in the Partner Area.

Just the help you need

If you’re a Marketplace Designer and you’re wondering what the Star Classes are or what advantages your current Star Class offers, just click on the corresponding question mark and our new FAQ Instant Help will open. The relevant help article will be animated and highlighted in the panel.

The same applies to Shop Owners: Want to quickly check when and how your will be paid out? No problem! Click on the question mark to see the relevant help article.

Say hello to Spread-Name and Spread-ID

Maybe you’ve already noticed the two new terms in your Partner Area. Your boring old “username” is now called “Spread-Name” and the old “User-ID” is becoming “Spread-ID”. Nothing changes in terms of content, just the names. So your original name and ID stay the same and you can log in as usual.

Do you have any questions about the new FAQ? Let us know in the comments. And if the Partner Area is still not smart enough for you, leave us a comment with your feedback and ideas or head to the forum and talk about it with other designers!

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