
How to Sell Your Designs in 5 Easy Steps

How to Sell Your Designs in 5 Easy Steps

A good beginning doesn’t need to be hard. In 5 easy steps, we’ll show you how you’ll get your Spreadshirt account and designs up and running.

Have you been thinking about selling your designs on Spreadshirt’s Marketplace? Find out how you can create your account in 5 easy steps and join the Spreadshirt Star Academy here.

Step1: Create an account

Creating a free account with Spreadshirt? It’s that easy – just register on the following page:

Enter your personal data under “Account”. If you want to earn money with your designs, we also need your bank details or PayPal data here. Get familiar with your Partner Area, and ready up for the 2nd step.

Step 2: Create & upload designs

Let your imagination run wild and create what it takes. Then upload your designs to your account: everything from stencil drawings to digitally created designs will work just fine. You can find the FAQs and pixel requirements here.

Step 3: Create products with your designs

A click on each of your designs takes you directly to the product selection. Here you can add more products, remove products or simply leave the preselection as it is. With another click on each product, you can:

  • Change the product color
  • Set the size of your design on the product
  • Determine the print area on which your design will be displayed

Want to decide later? Product templates offer you sets of different product combinations. This link will tell you how it works:

Step 4: Create meta data

Say what, meta data? It sounds more complicated than it is! Meta data just means that you’ll need to give your designs a title, a short description and several keywords. This is the only way to help customers find your creations when searching the Marketplace. Important: Flip the switch and enable translations in all available languages. This helps customers from international marketplaces find your designs. Or do you only want to sell your designs in selected countries and languages? Learn how to do it here.

More info about metadata can be found here.

Step 5: Publish your designs

This one’s the real treat: just hit the “Publish” button to send your designs straight to our design check. Once the check has been completed, they’ll be available on our Marketplaces.

We take care of everything else – for free – from processing customer sales to invoicing, and customer service to returns. You will receive a commission for every product sold with your design on it. Please find an overview of the commissions here.

See – that was easy! If you still have questions, we are waiting for you in the comments or in the forum.

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