Från den 2 mars inför vi en ny prismodell för marknadsplatsen. Då får du en fast och rättvis ersättning för varje sålt motiv. På det sättet kan du sälja fler motiv framöver.
Sälj fler motiv – den nya prismodellen för marknadsplatsen

Från den 2 mars inför vi en ny prismodell för marknadsplatsen. Då får du en fast och rättvis ersättning för varje sålt motiv. På det sättet kan du sälja fler motiv framöver.
Back in July, we introduced watermarks for your Marketplace designs to help protect them from unlawful use. The response was overwhelmingly positive, as protecting your intellectual property is very important when running a successful business. At the beginning of December, we’ll be making some slight changes to the watermark on your Marketplace list page design images. Please read on to find out more.
Good news! You can now get a much better look at your sales and statistics with a new and improved stats page in the Partner Area. Some very clever features and functions have been added, making it easier than ever to get an in-depth view into your sales, earnings, and more. Read on to see what’s new!
Spreadshirt’s new forum is freshly hatched, all shiny and chrome with the bangs and whistles of a 21st century communication. The brand-new user interface will make it easier to find articles, and you can now engage in forum activity in many different ways. Find out about all the details of how you can delve deeper into the Spreadshirt universe!
Many Partners currently need to wait several days before their designs can be approved. This is due to a small handful of Partners uploading thousands of designs on a daily basis, causing a tailback for all other design uploads. For this reason, we’ll put a cap on the total number of daily design uploads designs to speed up the verification process. Read on to learn more.
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Many Marketplace Designers have been asking us to protect their designs with watermarks, and that’s why we’re now introducing watermarks to level up the protection. We’re aware of the fact that it’s a tough call to prevent skillful thieves from stealing, but the introduction of watermarks is bound to make your designs safer. In this article, you’ll find out how this is going to be facilitated.