Teddy or Tiger? Your new custom plushy can hardly wait to be hugged by a new happy owner. The only thing missing is your personal touch: Whether a loving text, a special photo, or a name – you can customize each stuffed animal’s T-shirt and give life to your ideas.
Are you lost for words? Let the teddy bear or tiger say it for you! These personalised plushies are absolute professionals when it comes to comforting, sharing memories, and keeping their special person company. They’re sure to make for great birthday gifts or give a baby comfort and cuddles. Share your love and create something one-of-a-kind with these personalised cuddly soft toys.
Rule number 1: You're never too old for toys or stuffed animals. Rule number 2: A custom stuffed animal beats a generic one every time. If you agree, then our soft plush Teddy and plush Tiger are the perfect companions for you. They’ll tiptoe on soft paws as they carry your personal message straight to the hearts of their recipients. Whether for a special occasion, bring-your-child-to-work-day, or just because.
Size info: | Female size equivalent: |
XS | 6-8 |
S | 10 |
M | 12 |
L | 14 |
XL | 16 |
XXL | 18 |
3XL | 20 |
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